Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetic Eye Disease Prevention Center

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causes of permanent vision loss.

Approximately one in three diabetics over the age of 40 have signs of diabetic damage to their eyes. At PineCone Vision Center’s Diabetic Eye Disease Prevention Clinic you can be assured we are utilizing the latest technology and studies to monitor and prevent ocular damage from diabetes. We will work with you to monitor and mitigate your risks of diabetic sight-threatening changes.


Anyone with diabetes may develop diabetic eye disease. Risk increases with poorly controlled blood sugar and blood pressure. High cholesterol and smoking may also increase your risk of vision changes related to diabetes. Certain groups including African Americans, American Indians and Native Alaskans, Hispanics/Latinos and older adults are at higher risk for vision loss.


Generally, in the early stages of diabetic eye disease, there are no noticeable changes in vision. It is important, through routine testing, that damage is detected and controlled at this stage in order to prevent any permanent vision loss. We recommend routine testing at least annually.

When symptoms do occur they include blurred or distorted vision, blind spots in vision, floaters and flashes of light. It is important to call our office right away if you notice any of these changes in your sight.

​​​​​Monitoring and Treatment:

In-office technology can image the retina and retinal blood vessels allowing our doctors to detect early damage and irregularity in retinal anatomy. The Electroretinogram allows our doctors to monitor for early sub-clinical changes in retinal function. If diabetic changes are noted in the eye, a diabetes-specific vitamin may help restore ocular health in conjunction with improving blood sugar control.

​​​​​​​Our doctors correspond with your primary care doctor and endocrinologist notifying them of any diabetic damage to your eyes. Your medical doctor will use this information to gauge control of your diabetes.